How to enable TLS 1.2 in legacy mail clients
Rebex TLS Proxy makes it possible for legacy mail clients to connect to Office 365, Gmail, or other modern mail servers using TLS 1.2.
Rebex TLS Proxy makes it possible for legacy mail clients to connect to Office 365, Gmail, or other modern mail servers using TLS 1.2.
Rebex Syslog is a multi-platform .NET syslog client/server library with up-to-date TLS 1.3/1.2 support.
Rebex WebSocket is a WebSocket client library for .NET. It brings TLS 1.2, 1.1, SHA-2, SNI, secure renegotiation and other modern security-related features to legacy platforms such as .NET Compact Framework 3.5/3.5 on Windows CE 5.0 or .NET Framework 2.0/ ...
Rebex HTTPS is an HTTP and HTTPS library for .NET. It brings TLS 1.2, 1.1, SHA-2, SNI, secure renegotiation and other modern security-related features to legacy platforms such as .NET Compact Framework 2.0/3.x on Windows CE 5.0 or .NET Framework 2.0 on ...
This blogpost applies to Rebex components since version 2012 R3. It's an updated version of a blogpost we publised in 2009. If you wrote an application using Rebex FTP/SSL or Rebex Secure Mail component and get the “Server certificate was rejected by ...