10 years of Rebex FTP!
Ten years ago, we released the first version of Rebex FTP. I wrote most of the core code myself and we all learned a lot during the process. Rebex was new in this field and we didn't quite know what to expect, so we were delighted when you, our customers, actually liked Rebex FTP a lot. Thanks to you, we were able to make it even better. Now, ten years later, Rebex FTP/SSL is a mature product. Thousands of developers all over the world use it to add FTP capabilities to their applications. You might have used some of them - such as Microsoft Visual Studio - without even noticing, because Rebex FTP/SSL works silently under the hood.
Granted, our journey was not without a few bumps along the road. The initial release was several months late because we decided to implement an FtpWebRequest object, only to find out no one actually needed that because Ftp did the job so much better - when an equivalent FtpWebRequest was introduced in .NET 2.0 itself in 2005, our sales actually went up. In fact, we made our products so good that several wannabe-component-vendors couldn't help but steal, repackage and sell our components as their own! :-) Fortunately, they can't steal our 10-year experience, which is what really counts in the end and what matters the most to Rebex customers.
There are new challenges in front of us as well. The whole IT landscape is changing, mobile platforms are all the rage and some of them are no longer based on Windows. Fortunately, the coders at Xamarin made it possible for us to bring our components to iOS and Android platforms. Beta versions of Rebex SFTP and Rebex FTP/SSL for Xamarin.iOS are just around the corner!