Rebex Buru SFTP Server 2.7.2: Minor fixes

  |   Lukas Paluzga

We have released Rebex Buru SFTP Server v2.7.2 Here is an overview of changes, fixes and improvements.

SSH Binding configuration changes

IPv6 support has been enabled by default since version 2.6.2. However, because of an oversight, this was not reflected when bindings section was missing in the configuration file. This was rectified in 2.7.2.

When the bindings section is missing altogether, both IPv4 and IPv6 'any' ([::]:22) endpoints are used for SSH binding. Empty binding set will now result in an error.

Web Admin blank screen fixed

Web Admin bug caused by missing address in SSH bindings caused a blank screen error. This is now fixed and Web Admin will now show proper values on the home page.

Minor fixes and improvements

  • 2.7.1

    • Increased SSH terminal buffer sizes for better performance with tools such as rsync.
  • 2.7.2

    • SSE2 fallback for ChaCha20 for processors without AVX2.
    • Fixed sometimes missing or wrong error message for invalid command line input.
    • Web Admin - server configuration page now displays proper values for server private keys and SSH bindings when default values are used.
    • Web Admin - fixed description for log pages without logs.

For complete list of fixes and improvements see Release notes