Rebex Buru SFTP Server 2.15.4: FTP protocol support.

  |   Lukas Paluzga

We have released Rebex Buru SFTP Server v2.15.4. Here is an overview of changes, fixes and improvements.

FTP protocol support

Buru SFTP Server now supports FTP and FTPS protocol, in addition to already supported SFTP, SCP and SSH protocols. FTP protocol is disabled by default and can be enabled either for individual users or for all users at once. Each FTP endpoint can be assigned a separate set of X.509 certificates. Both implicit and explicit FTPS modes are supported.

Buru SFTP Command Prompt now asks for administrator privileges by default

This has been source of confusion for users as running most burusftp commands without administrator privileges would fail with permission errors.

Minor fixes and improvements

  • 2.14.5
    • Fixed errors when parsing some configuration IP addresses with leading or trailing whitespace.
    • Web Admin - added SSH port placeholder on SSH endpoints page.
    • Web Admin - fixed Maximum renegotiation threshold caption on Additional SSH settings page.
    • Web Admin - fixed minor UI issue when typing a file path containing a space character.
  • 2.15.0
    • Initial FTP protocol support:
      • Added support for FTP protocol (plain FTP, implicit and explicit FTPS).
      • Disabled by default. Can be enabled globally in configuration or per user.
      • Each FTPS endpoint can be configured with different certificate(s).
    • Added user field ’note’ for user comments.
    • Installer - Buru SFTP Command Prompt now runs with administrator privileges by default.
    • Removed server configuration parameters passwordPolicy and usernamePattern. These parameters have been deprecated since v1.1.0.
    • Web Admin - configuration pages are now accessible when configuration file is invalid but readable.
    • Fixed burusftp user key delete -F <fingerprint> behavior with SHA-256: prefix.
    • Updated Serilog logging libraries.
  • 2.15.1
    • Fixed an issue where username leading/trailing whitespace was not trimmed when creating a user.
    • Web Admin - fixed error when loading user detail page for user with special characters in username.
    • Web Admin - fixed error message when adding user with existing username.
  • 2.15.2
    • Web Admin - fixed browser cache issue after application upgrade.
  • 2.15.3
    • Web Admin - fixed error when loading FTP settings page.
  • 2.15.4
    • Added burusftp certgen command to generate self-signed X.509 (TLS) certificates. This is an alias for burusftpwa certgen.
    • Web Admin - FTP certificate group can now be renamed.
    • Web Admin - fixed FTP binding custom certificate group not being saved properly.

For complete list of fixes and improvements see Release notes

Issues and feature requests on Github

You can report issues and submit feature requests on our Github issue tracker. For discussions and specific problems please keep using our support forum.